
Unnatural Single Horn (Extremely Rare)

Category: Head Mutations
Trait Count - 4

Horns aren't a very common sight in BAs, but have begun to be more prevalent in domesticated Beatus'. Almost no wild BAs have been seen with horns, excluding those seen with Fawncy, and even when a wild BA is seen to have horns, they aren't extravagant. Wild Beatus that have horns will often have more basic horns that aid them in survival.

Unnatural Horns are typically only seen in domesticated BAs, this is due to how brightly colored their horns tend to be when unnatural. Horns will be bright and vibrant in color. Color muts DO still go over unnatural horn colors.
A single is will always be a singular lone horn, typically located on the forehead or along the center line of the face.
Horns can be connected, either to themselves or to other horns.

Expression Examples

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