
Angora (Uncommon)

Category: Coat Mutations
Trait Count - 2

Angora causes the coat of a Beatus to grow longer, and at times, thicker. This is easily visible on their faces and underbellies, as almost all angoras will have some kind of beard, big or small.

Bald (Rare)

Category: Coat Mutations
Trait Count - 3

A bald Beatus is like a Sphynx cat. They don't grow fur, or at times, they grow a very thin coat. They are prone to sunburn and need specialized riding tack to not irritate their skin.

Designing a Bald Beatus can be tricky at times. The easiest way is to design them with a thin coat, as that changes the design the least. However, you must include more skin than what's on a normal import.
Another way to go about designing a bald Beatus, is to give them no fur what-so-ever. In this manner, their 'coat' is just their skin color. Most white markings will display on a full bald, and some mutations. BA mutations are still in debate about what will and won't show on a full bald coat.

Curly (Uncommon)

Category: Coat Mutations
Trait Count - 2

Curly causes just that, for a Beatus coat and mane to become curly. This can range from loose curls that are hard to see on their coat, to extremely tight curls. Curly coats are desirable in Beatus that are heavily shown.

Lykoi (Legendary)

Category: Coat Mutations
Trait Count - 5

Lykoi is the result of combining Angora and Bald coat types.

Dum Salve (Legendary)

Category: Coat Mutations
Trait Count - 5

Dum Salve is the result of combining Angora and Curly coat types.

Rex (Legendary)

Category: Coat Mutations
Trait Count - 5

Dum Salve is the result of combining Bald and Curly coat types.

6 results found.