
Hair Dye

Category: Cosmetic Items

Resale Value: 500 A

Hair Dye can add up to three colors in a BAs mane and may be applied twice to any one BA. With two applications, your BA can have up to 6 colors in the mane and/or tail.
Hair dye can dye the whole mane and tail, be streaks, or dye only the mane or the tail. On overgrown mane BAs that have their fetlocks affects, it can also dye those.


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<a href=" Polish" class="display-item">Hoof Polish</a>

Hoof Polish

Category: Cosmetic Items

Resale Value: 500 A

Hoof Polish allows you to color the hooves and claws of your BAs. Hoof polish can be applied once, can have up to six colors, and can have glitter.


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Minor Scars

Category: Cosmetic Items

Resale Value: 500 A

Minor Scars allows you to add several small scars to your BAs.
- 1 to 4 small scars on your BA, scars can be up to 4 inches long
- Allows to have one larger scar on your BA, about the size of your hand


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Moderate Scars

Category: Cosmetic Items

Resale Value: 750 A

Moderate Scars allows you to add several small and medium scars to your BAs.
- 2 to 5 small scars on your BA, scars can be up to 6 inches long
- Allows to have up to two larger scars on your BA, about the size of your hand
- Docking tail partially, one blind eye, wing tears and perma-clipped flight feathers, and other medium limb loss


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Serious Scars

Category: Cosmetic Items

Resale Value: 1500 A

Serious Scars allow you to add several small and medium scars, along with some larger scars.
- 4-10 small scars on your BA, up to 12 inches long
- Allows 2-5 larger scars on your BA, about the size of your hand
- Docking entire tail, both eyes blind, removal of one eye, large wing tears and almost complete loss of flight feathers, limb deformation and partial loss of limbs


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Fatal Scars

Category: Cosmetic Items

Resale Value: 2500 A

Fatal Scars allow you to add a large range of scars in many sizes.
- Allows any amount of small scars on your BA, up to 12 inches
- Allows up to 10 larger scars on your BA, about the size of your hand
- Docking entire tail, blind in both eyes, removal of both eyes, removal of entire limbs, extreme limb deformation
- Allows for major life-threatening scarring, like large burns and facial deformity


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Malvar's Small Crate of Wonders

Category: Cosmetic Items

Resale Value: 750 A

Malvar's Small Crate of Wonders hold many small mysteries!

With a small crate, you can add up to 4[four] small sized items OR 2[two] medium sized items to your BAs import. This includes, but is not limited to, flowers, feathers, earrings, necklaces, headbands, etc. For the size of items, use your best judgement for what is considered small. Anything bigger and you'll need a Large Crate of Wonders.
A version without the accessories will be linked, so the design is still accessible.
There is currently no limit on the number of small crates you can apply to one BA.

When using these items, certain spots of a BA cannot be fully obstructed.
- Ears
- Mouth


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Malvar's Large Crate of Wonders

Category: Cosmetic Items

Resale Value: 1500 A

Malvar's Large Crate of Wonders holds many large mysteries!

With a large crate, you can add 2[two] large sized items to you BAs import. This includes, but is not limited to, prosthetics, capes, armor, etc. Large crates can stack to create even larger and more elaborate pieces.
A version without the accessories will be linked, so the design is still accessible.
There is currently no limit to the number of large crates you can apply to one BA.

When using these items, certain spots on a BA cannot be fully obscured.
- Ears
- Mouth


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Malvar's Mysterious Orb

Category: Cosmetic Items

Resale Value: 750 A

Malvar's Mysterious Orb holds many mysterious and is full of magic!

With a mysterious orb, you can either enhance the magic of a BA or add either 3[three] small sized magic items or 1[one] large sized magic item to a BAs import. These items must be magical in nature and cannot appear attached to a BA at all. Orbs are allowed to stack to create larger magical items!
Enhancing the magic of a BA is things like magic flying orbs or magic fire on the ground.
Magic items can be anything and anywhere, but cannot be attatched to a BA. They need to be obviously magic or floating!
There is currently no limit to the number of orbs you can add to a BA.

When using these items, certain spots on a BA cannot be fully obscured
- Ears
- Mouth


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Malvar's Menagerie

Category: Cosmetic Items

Resale Value: 1500 A

Malvar's Menagerie is overrun with little critters! Can you help her out by taking one?

Malvar's Menagerie allows you to add 2[two]small or medium sized creatures or 1[one] large sized creature to a BAs import. Tiny creatures, such as insects, are dependant on how they're drawn!
There is currently no limit to the number of large crates you can apply to one BA.

When using these items, certain spots on a BA cannot be fully obscured.
- Ears
- Mouth

Examples of creatures that can be added;
- Real world creatures, like cats, dogs, snakes, etc
- Fantasy creatures like mini unicorns, baby griffons, etc
- Ghostly or magical creatures
- Official Caelum companions
- Creatures of your own design[who knows, maybe we'll ask if they can be canon to Caelum ;-) ]


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Tattoo Ink

Category: Cosmetic Items

Resale Value: 500 A

Tattoo Ink can do two things, create tattoos or stain the color of a BAs skin.
Tattoos can be any design and are magic to stain the skin in a way that colors the hair of a BA. Staining the skin of a BA can turn their skin different colors, this also includes their sclera and tongue.

Tattoo ink is limited to a max of 4 colors, but can stack once to give a BA up to 8 tattoo colors.
This item currently doesn't have a max amount of times it can be applied.
A version without the tattoo[s] will be linked for ease of access to design.

Tatoo Ink is a permanent application, this means that any present and future timeline art should have the tattoo[s]. Any art from the past does not need to display it. Illusion magic can be used to temporarily hide tattoos.


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Body Paint

Category: Cosmetic Items

Resale Value: 500 A

Body Paint explains itself! It's temporary paint designs that sit on the coat of a BA. After application, it's up to you on whether or not to draw them with their paint.
Body Paint can be a max of 4 colors, with the ability to stack once, creating 8 colors for the paint. Paint can also be glow in the dark! To acquire more magical body paint, you will also need a Mysterious Orb.
This item currently doesn't have a max amount of times it can be applied, but, at least 30% of the coat design must remain visible. The visible coat doesn't have to all be in the same place, however.
A version without the body paint will be linked for ease of access to design.


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Dovev's Mirror of Deception

Category: Cosmetic Items

Resale Value: 3750 A

Dovev, the God of Lies and Deception, decided to create a mirror that could change aspects of a BAs appearance.

With a mirror, you can edit a BAs body in new and different ways. You can edit things like the whole overall body, add fur tufts, change expression, etc.
An unaltered version of the import image will also be linked!
Altering the body is allowed and the main concept of the mirror. You can make a BA thinner, fatter, change how they hold their tail, their expression, and more! However, changes you make to a BA should never mimic another physical mutation. For example, if you add tufts of fur, you need to ensure they don't look like an Angora or Curly BA.
A mirror can only affect one place on the guide below per application, so you can have a max of 9 applications of Dovev's Mirror.

Do's and Don't's
- Line edits cannot mimic other physical mutations
- Manes can be edited, you can make them longer(within reason, Demons can't have floor length manes), add braids, shave them, change the style, etc
- Tails cannot be drastically changed, they can't be made longer and can't be fully shaved, you can add braids, style them different, etc
- Fetlocks can be partially shaved, on Demons they can be completely shaved, they can be added to, within reason. Fetlock additions cannot be mistaken for overgrown mane
- Tufts of fur can be added to the outside of the lines, meaning never inside the main lines, and cannot be mistaken for Angora or Curly. See image for allowed areas for tufts.
- Beards can be added to almost all BA coat types(Bald is excluded), but will be the shortest on Normal coats. Angora and Curly coat BAs can have decently long beards!
- Edits with a mirror can never be magical in nature, an Orb will be needed to do those types of things
- Wings can be altered, but can never be torn or clipped, as you need a Moderate or higher scar item


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