MYO Slot ・ Beatus Alatus


Owned by Longtailsally
Image #580
Cross (---) (43.75 Demon 37.5 Nephilim 18.75 Angel)
No genes listed.
Uploaded: 1 year and 5 months ago
Last Edited: 1 year and 5 months ago
No additional notes given.
10 September 2023, 15:14:35 CDT

Can be gifted
Can be traded
Cannot be sold
Sale Value

Type: 43.75 Demon 37.5 Nephilim 18.75 Angel
Build: Demon or Nephilim
Height Range: 14-16
Inbred: Yes

Parent 1:
Parent 2:

Geno 2 + Geno 3 + Geno 4

Magic: Earth, Magnetic, Mud, Sand
Genotype: Ee A+A+ CrCr nD ff ZZ nG nRb ToSb nSpl nO LpLp[snow] nBr nBu FlFl nHar nMar nMi PwlPwl nRa ququ RoRo nSh | EE A+A+ prlprl nCh nD ff nZ StySty nG nRb ToTo nSpl nO Lp~Lp[snow-sf] nEry- nBe nBig nBr nGr nBp nBu FlFl nHar nMar nMi nPwl ququ nri nSh | EE A+A+ Crprl ChCh DD ff nZ nSty GG nRb nSb nO Lp!Lp[sspot-sf] nLeu- nBe nBr nBp nBu FlFl nHar lclc MarMar nMi nPwl nRa ququ RoRo nZeb
Phenotype: Wild perlino dun silver grey rabicano tobiano sabino splash overo snowcap brindle Bubble Flare Harlow Marionette Mist Peafowl Pride Quagga Rosea Shadow [flaxen carrier] | Wild amber peach dun silver sooty grey rabicano tobiano splash overo abstract snowcap snowflake red piebald belton spot glitter birdcatcher spot brindle grease spot Black Paint Bubble Flare Harlow Marionette Mist Peafowl Quagga Shadow [flaxen and Ribbon carrier] | Wild amber peach cream dun silver sooty grey rabicano sabino overo inverse snowspot snowflake fake piebald belton spot brindle Black Paint Bubble Flare Harlow Lace Marionette Mist Peafowl Pride Quagga Rosea Zebra [flaxen carrier]
LWS: nSpl-2 nO-2 | nSpl-1 nO-2 | nO-2

AGI[32] CON[27] INT[20] MOV[26] SPE[38] STA[18] STR[20] SUR[27] TEM[28] HST[22]

Mutation Passables: Rosea: Two Color | Rosea: Two Color | Mist: Groundline, Zebra: Two Tone
Genetic Mutations: Heterochromia: Complete, Tri-Chimera | Chimera, Heterochromia: Complete | -

Coat Mutation: - | Curly | -
Head Mutations: Blind[LWS], Deaf[LWS] | Blind[LWS], Toothless | Deaf[LWS], Unnatural Single Horn
Other Mutations: Double Uterus[if Mare sex], Multiple Magics[2] | Double Uterus[if Mare sex], Infertile, Multiple Magics[3] | Back Mane, Double Uterus[if Mare sex], Dwarfism, Overgrown Mane
Tail Mutations: Split Tail | Long Tail, Split Tail | Equine Tail, Split Tail
Wing Mutations: - | Overgrown Wings, Vestigial Wings | No Wings, Overgrown Wings