
Created: 4 September 2021, 21:15:13 CDT
Last updated: 21 December 2021, 20:20:30 CST
nZ |ZZ
Trait Count - 1

Silver is the same as flaxen, but for blacks and bays. It lightens the mane to a more silvery color. Mane and wings will always be affected in the same manner.
- 'Hidden' silver is the minimum expression.
- Silver can cause dapples on the topline, this is much more common in blacks than seal bays. Classic and wild bays will not have any dappling.
- All bay variants can have their points affected by silver and be partially silvered out.
- Blacks can sometimes have their coats altered by silver to sometimes appear almost like a smoky black silver.
- When present with white markings, silver must still be visible when next to any white in the mane.

Silver Range
Blue is the minimum required expression.
Yellow is the maximum optional expression.
Red is the area expression is not allowed.

Silver on Black Examples
Min - Med - Max

Silver on Bay and Wild Bay Examples
Med - Max - Min

Silver on Seal Bay Examples
Max - Min - Med

Import Examples