Other Appaloosa Markings

Created: 4 September 2021, 22:27:02 CDT
Last updated: 24 January 2024, 21:19:33 CST
Abstract | ~
Trait Count - 3


Abstract Examples

Inverse | !
Trait Count - 2

Inverse inverses, or flips, where paint markings express. For example, a leopard will display as white spots over the body and can be mistaken for chubari spots. A snowspot will start as mostly white, and show more of their base coat as they age.

Inverse Examples

Import Examples

Snowflake | [-sf]
Trait Count - 3

Snowflake is a double expression of appaloosa. It will only show WITH another appaloosa gene, so like nLp(roan-sf) which would be a varnish roan snowflake.
Snowflake shows with mutations that suppress appaloosa genes. It's currently unknown as to why.
Snowflake will reflect the density of the appaloosa present, so a minimal appaloosa won't have a maximal snowflake.

Snowflake Examples

Mismarked | [-m]
Trait Count - 3

Mismark is essentially blood marks for appaloosas. It will only show when present with an appaloosa gene, so like nLp(roan-m) which would be a mismarked varnish roan.
The edges of mismark will reflect the type of appaloosa it's tied to. So a leopard might have a hard-edge mismark, while a varnish has a soft one.

Mismark Examples

Peacock | [-pc]
Trait Count - 3


Peacock Examples