
Created: 18 November 2022, 00:27:03 CST
Last updated: 16 January 2024, 16:53:21 CST

Every being in Caelum is born with innate magic ability, though, this varies from individuals and species. Beatus are one of the more magically inclined species, so they tend to easily have a grasp over their innate magics.

Magic in Caelum is flexible and vesatile. A BA's born magic is what their innate magic alignment is.
A BA with No Magic, will still be able to perform basic magics. A BA with an inborn Magic Stat of 0, though, will NOT be able to perform any base magic. The difference between a No Magic BA and a 0 MAG BA, is that a BA with 0 MAG can learn magic and gain new magic alignments.
When a BA born with 0 Magic reaches 10 MAG, they will be able to unlock and use their innate magic alignment.

Another thing the beings of Caelum can do, is learn more magic alignments. BAs can be born with up to 5 magic alignments, and learn 3 more. Go HERE to learn more about this.

Every BA can perform these magics, UNLESS their Magic Stat is 0

  • Illusion - the ability to create illusions
  • Telepathy - the ability to communicate telepathicly 
  • Telekinesis - the ability to move objects with magic
  • Shapeshift - the ability to change one's apperence at will

Divine Class Magic
Umbral Class Magic
Hybrid Magics