Free Exploration | Tiny Forest Trip

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The wind was rustling trough the trees and a few clouds wandered across the sky at this early evening. Suku, a red dun colored Nephilim Beatus Alatus, Walked across
the Forestglade at which the Herd currently rested. The grass was high and covered the whole space on the opening. He looked around, searching, 
until he found the Horse he was looking for: Azar. Azar was of the Demon Build and expressed a Sealbay Coat with Roaning and Zebrastripes over half his body.
Happily Suku trotted towards his Herdmate and Friend, greeting him with a slight snort and got to stop close to him.  The Demon Stallion rose his head and
Looked at the smaller one while chewing on some grass blades, wondering what suku wanted from him. After a few moments the Dun one started to scratch with his front hoove over
the ground and looked down with his ears twitching nervously "i was wondering if uhm.. you mayb ehr if you..... can you come with me on a walk trough the nearby forest? ".
Azar's ears flopped down as if they lost all will to do even the smallest effort to stand up and he sighted noticably. "are you serious about this? You are not a Foal anymore and
we are safe here, no need to be afraid of anything" did the Seal Horse say to encourage the small Nephilim .. and maybe trying to prevent to having to go anywhere as he enjoyed
the day so far. Suku steped from one hoove to another and looked beggingly to Azar " plleeeaseeeeeeeee".  Azar rolled his eyes, it was always the same with him but he could not help it,
they where herdmates and Suku just had this presence, like a ducking that needed to be protected.  He turned towards the trees and said " okay okay, i come with you
but please stop whining " as he started moving that direction. With a jump of happyness and an expression that screams joy Suku followed and soon took the lead.
The Tree border wasnt far and quickly they where surrounded by them, the ground had less grass and was more open with a few rocks here and there. While taking a deep breath of
the fresh air that held all the various smells of the forest the nephilim heared the demon behind him say " i really dont know what you love so much about all these trees ..
there is no space to spread your wings properly and you always need to watch your steps" Azar didnt really mean it as a question but more like loud thinking.
Suku just looked back with a smile and then keept going as he already knew that didnt required an answear. As the two of them keep strooling trough the forest
they encountered a small brook, some small fishes inhabitated it and Suku stopped to watch them with so much joy written to his face, one could think he was a foal
exploring the world for the first time. Meanwhile azar just rolled his eyes and looked away with a very decent little smile, thinking about how naive, even cute suku is sometimes.
He let him observe the fishes a little longer but then decided it is time to get back to the herd " hey squishy, its time, lety head back to the others".
The dun one rose his head and looked at the other one for a few seconds but then again smiled and followed him the way back till they entered the forest opening again. 

Free Exploration | Tiny Forest Trip
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In Misc. Art ・ By Kami-O-Kami

Wordcount: 588
initial 300 words - 4
300 words after - 3
Personal Lit - 2
Own Horse - 1
Static Quest - 2
Total Feater Points: 12 FP each

Submitted By Kami-O-Kami
Submitted: 2 years and 7 months agoLast Updated: 2 years and 7 months ago

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