Welcome to the Adoption Centre!
This is where you can get your first BA! You may choose from any of the Genos listed here! The newbie genos are marked with an "N" before the AC prefix!
Please use this form to choose your first horse! If your first choice isn't available, you'll be given your second choice, but we will try to make sure you get your first choice!
1. Choice Link to the Geno: [LINK]
ID of the Geno: [usually formatted 'N-AC 000']
2. Choice Link to the Geno: [LINK]
ID of the Geno: [usually formatted 'N-AC 000']
Choice of designer: [Optional]
We also offer a Design Service for newbies!
You can choose any of our currently open designers to design your BA for you! In case you either can't or don't want to design the horse yourself. But of course you're more than free to try your hand at designing them! There's also a design help channel on our Discord should you run into any questions of issues!
List of currently open designers:
LuxBean (go ham)
DaretoDream0 (currently no heavy line edits or overly complex designs)
Longtailsally (no-gos: Steam Powered, Zebra, Quagga, Shadow, Crystal, Marrow, Rabicano)
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