ID-005: Rainbow Flame

Owned by Longtailsally

Rainbow is the third born princess in the Royal Family. The first Nephilim to be born. Bringing in a new type to the Beatus breed. 

She's had conflicting feelings in the past, dealing with self-worth and her place in the royal line. Never meeting eye-to-eye on things with her parents and older sisters. Feeling useless and as if she is still being treated like a child. 

So, one night, She got up and left in the middle of the night, leaving behind her family, and never seeing them again for many years. 

While away from the safety of her home, she experienced what life was like for any normal Beatus. She wound up in a wild herd of BAs that let her join. She had lied who she was, using her magic to hide her noticeable features. To them, she just looked like a plain Chestnut mare with a spotted blanket, horns and purple in her mane. Her flare and rosea was hidden for being easily recognized. This herd was where she met Macaw, Fiery, and Deimos.  


To her surprise, they welcome her with open wings and let her join. Not questioning her at all. She learned how to survive in the wild and see the world as it was. Discovering new emotions as well, she fell in love with Macaw, Fiery, and Deimos. 

When Macaw was being kicked out of the herd, she went to join his side as the others to follow suit. They formed their own little herd. Rainbow became pregnant with Macaw's foals not long after. When the twins were born, Rainbow’s real identity was revealed. As the foals had Rosea colors that none of them had and Flare was present. Rainbow confessed and showed her true self to the others. Deimos was the more angry with her, as he didn’t see the point of needing to conceal herself from them. Macaw and Fiery calmed the Demon before telling Rainbow that her status meant nothing to them.

A few days after the birth of the twins, Rainbow made the worst decision, she ran away again. Even though they accepted her, Rainbow felt the guilt and shame in lying to them. Leaving behind a hurt and broken family she truly did love.  To this day she regrets it and does her best to make up for the lost years she was gone. She was still acting like a child; running from her issues. 


Drifting from place to place, for years. She was able to grow wiser and finally realize her mistakes that she has made in her life. Finding a human that she adored only to finally face mortality that of a loved one. Now seeing how life is short and how much of an impact Rainbow had made in the lives around her.

Still, Rainbow dodged every attempt at BAR’s capture and stayed under the radar. Not wanting to face her parents, not yet.


She only reappeared when a human female, Amber, was brought to BAR. The human was on the back of the princess as they came up to the entrance. Many were shocked to see the mare was alive and well, after not hearing a word from her, only hearing rumors of her still roaming the lands. 

With Amber taking in the mare, she made Rainbow reconnect with her Sire, Dam, along with her siblings. The chestnut mare was scared at first, not knowing how her parents would react. She had hurt those she was close to and was ready to be scolded and not be forgiven. But, The King and Queen cried out and welcomed their lost daughter back. Rainbow had tears as she spilled out her apologies. She is able to finally be on good terms with her family, now feeling stable in her life, and come to terms with the way things were when she was younger. She is still building a better relationship with her siblings.


Still, she needs to face one more thing. 


One day, while on the VPE, Amber stumbled upon a small group of BAs. Taking them in not long after she found Rainbow. She called out to Rainbow, to greet the newcomers. To the Nephilim’s shock, it was her lovers and her twins, along with two other horses she hadn’t met. 

She stood there, frozen, not knowing where to start. She knew she had hurt them, leaving them behind as she did and this looked like she started a new life without them. 

Amber pushed Rainbow closer to them. Macaw was the first to step closer as he wrapped his neck around hers, crying how much he missed her. Fiery came over and leaned herself up on Rainbow, saying to never leave them again. Seeing Deimos come over, tears in his eyes and saying how much they all missed their colorful mare. Rainbow told them they shouldn’t forgive her too easily and they should be angry with her. Macaw explained that they were but they moved on from the anger and desperately went looking for her, so they can be a family again. 

Rainbow was able to meet her twins now that they are older. 

Rainbow got to meet Knockout, Macaw's colt that was actually from her sister Ruin. Rainbow took him as her own son, knowing her sister wasn't exactly the motherly type. She can understand his anger and tries her best to lend a helping hoof to him.

Then, she got to meet Birdie, Macaw and Fiery’s filly. Birdie took to Rainbow quickly and sees the other older nephilim as her mother, which makes Rainbow feel loved.


Now, Rainbow is in a better place in her life, happy to be with everyone at VPE. She loves her ever growing family and does everything she can to support and raise them. She does her best to lead and show kindness to all that come to VPE.